
Alton Barnes

New Car Will Let Arlington Paratransit Driver Visit Mom 'As Soon As Possible' New Car Will Let Arlington Paratransit Driver Visit Mom 'As Soon As Possible'
New Car Will Let Arlington Paratransit Driver Visit Mom 'As Soon As Possible' Alton Barnes remembers exactly how he felt when he got the keys to his new car. "I was thankful and relieved like a weight had been lifted off of me," the Paratransit Driver from Arlington told Daily Voice.  “Words cannot express my appreciation for your generosity and how it will affect my life,” Barnes added. “I will pay it forward and help someone else in need.” Barnes was awarded a bright red 2010 Toyota Yaris from the car-donation nonprofit Good News Garage, which works to help New England residents meet their transportation needs. The organization, founded in 1996, has hel…