
1179 York Road, Warminster, PA

Barstool's Portnoy Deducts Points During Bucks County Pizza Review For 'Insulting' Marketing Barstool's Portnoy Deducts Points During Bucks County Pizza Review For 'Insulting' Marketing
Barstool's Portnoy Deducts Points During Bucks County Pizza Review For 'Insulting' Marketing Let's get one thing straight: It's not New Haven-style pizza. At least that's what Barstool Sports CEO Dave Portnoy said about HG Bucks Bagels in Warminster, where he stopped for a One Bite pizza review last week. The bagel shop markets itself as having the CT-style pies: "It's a weird scene in there," Portnoy said before biting into a slice, and then taking more than one. "It's good pizza but don't insult me and don't insult New Haven," Portnoy said. "Having said all that, it's pretty good." Portnoy's rating at HG Bucks? 7.7 — with a .2 deduction for saying it's a New Haven-style pizza w…