
Forks Over Knives

Your Diet Can Reduce Inflammation, Slow Disease, Bay Shore Quest Nutrition Network Owner Says Your Diet Can Reduce Inflammation, Slow Disease, Bay Shore Quest Nutrition Network Owner Says
Your Diet Can Reduce Inflammation, Slow Disease, Bay Shore Quest Nutrition Network Owner Says The Bay Shore nutritionist and owner of Quest Nutrition Network weighed in, no pun meant, on some of the biggest diet trends people follow to reduce inflammation and slow disease. John Jabari Michel gave his view on the benefits and pitfalls of diets like the caveman or paleo and intermittent fasting, which is allowing yourself to go hungry but in a controlled way, both to drop pounds. "I practice intermittent fasting (IF) for periods of times throughout the months. I can say from experience that it is very effective," said Michel.  The practice, he explained, is when you eat meals wi…