Mom Holds On to a Dinner Tradition

Patty Zimmerman has a weekend tradition in her family. In a world where people dart in and out and scarf down meals as fast as they can in front of the television, she makes everyone stop and enjoy one large family meal together.

“It’s really just about the only time we all sit down together as a family,” Zimmerman said while taking a break at Norwalk’s Wusthof Outlet Store. She helps mind the store and packages knives to be sent to other retailers. She’s been there for three years.

She came to the area with her husband six years ago when he was transferred from their home state of Minnesota. He has been a Wusthof employee for 26 years. With four children, all in their teens, Zimmerman decided it was time to get a job herself and turned to Wusthof.

The weekend dinner is important to her family, Zimmerman says. Growing up, the family always ate together. Now, though, people are just too busy, and finding the time to have a good meal together proves more difficult. They do have meals together throughout the week as often as they can, but the weekend big meal is a constant.

Zimmerman expects to be even busier in the near future. The Wusthof Outlet Store holds four sales a year, and the next is right around the corner. From June 9 to 11 the store will drop the price of knives 20 percent. They’re already significantly less expensive at the outlet than at area retailers.

As to her favorites for that at-home family dinner, Zimmerman leans toward homemade wild rice soup. She’s had a particular challenge making it though since she left Minnesota. “Around my house I just can’t find wild rice,” she said.

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