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New Technology Helps Police In Arlington Close 34-Year-Old Sexual Assault Cold Case New Technology Helps Police In Arlington Close 34-Year-Old Sexual Assault Cold Case
New Technology Helps Police In Arlington Close 34-Year-Old Sexual Assault Cold Case New technology helped authorities solve a 34-year-old sexual assault cold case in Virginia. George Thomas Jr., 61, of Arlington, was arrested Monday, Nov. 21 for his role in the rape, sodomy, and abduction of a 22-year-old woman on Aug. 24, 1988, according to the Fairfax County Police Department. Police said that fingerprints prints taken from the victim's vehicle at the time were recently confirmed to be a match to Thomas Jr. and his late brother, Gregory Allen Thomas, of Arlington.  A department fingerprint examiner linked the second set of fingerprints to new and unrelated arr…