
Route 208

SWATTING: Bogus 911 Calls Bring Tactical Responders To Same Bergen Home Twice SWATTING: Bogus 911 Calls Bring Tactical Responders To Same Bergen Home Twice
Swatting: Bogus 911 Calls Bring Tactical Responders To Same Bergen Home Twice Officers in tactical gear converged on a Fair Lawn neighborhood shortly after 2:30 a.m. recently after a 911 caller who claimed to be 13 told them she'd been kidnapped and held there against her will. They ordered everyone out of the house with their hands up before discovering that they'd been pranked, a resident said. Police got another 911 call via the NYPD that appeared to come from the same house around 9 p.m. last Wednesday. This time, a suicidal man was threatening to slit his throat with a kitchen knife. Bogus again, police said. "With both calls, the voices appeared to have been …