
Le Dîner Blanc

Thousands Expected At 'Mystery' Location On Long Island Thousands Expected At 'Mystery' Location On Long Island
Thousands Expected At 'Mystery' Location On Long Island Elegant attire is asked and the date is known but where an al fresco dinner party on Long Island expected to draw thousands is a mystery. The 3rd annual Le  Dîner Blanc on Sunday, Sept. 15 is a stylish affair and fundraiser where guests are asked to wear all-white, not ivory, no off-shite or beige. Organizers expect 2,500 "foodies, and fashion and cultural enthusiasts" to attend. Prior attendees called "members" have received Invitations and may sponsor a friend, while the general public can sign up for a "waitlist" beginning Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 9 a.m. The chances are "99 percent" go…