
Progressive Jackpot

Jackpot-Winning 'FAST PLAY' Lottery Ticket Worth $41K Sold At Maryland  'Drive-In Liquor Store' Jackpot-Winning 'FAST PLAY' Lottery Ticket Worth $41K Sold At Maryland  'Drive-In Liquor Store'
Jackpot-Winning 'FAST Play' Lottery Ticket Worth $41K Sold At Maryland 'Drive-In Liquor Store' A big fish was caught in Southern Maryland after a winning "FAST PLAY Gold Fish" ticket worth more than $40,000 was sold at a Charles County liquor store. A progressive jackpot-winning ticket for the Wednesday, Feb. 28 drawing was sold at Hardesty's Drive-In Liquors on Crain Highway in Newburg remains unclaimed days after a lucky Lottery player won $41,780.  Lottery officials say that players should check their tickets, and the winner should sign the back of it immediately and put it in a safe spot until it can be redeemed at Lottery Headquarters in Baltimore. The Charles County liquo…
Man's Best Friend Getting New Car After Fisherman Wins $30K Maryland Lottery Prize In Baltimore Man's Best Friend Getting New Car After Fisherman Wins $30K Maryland Lottery Prize In Baltimore
Man's Best Friend Getting New Car After Fisherman Wins $30K Maryland Lottery Prize In Baltimore Dogs really are a man's best friend. A Baltimore fisherman plans to treat his loyal buddy with a special treat after claiming a $30,000 progressive jackpot playing a $3 "SLINGO" Fast Play Maryland Lottery game. The finicky pup will be riding in style soon, as his owner plans to buy a new car, just for her, since she doesn't enjoy riding shotgun in the truck he purchased from a previous Maryland Lottery win. In 2017, the lucky lotto player claimed a six-figure prize that allowed him to move, buy the truck, support his church, and take a trip out to Las Vegas.  This time, he plans to p…