Towns Work Together On Burglary Cases

The recent burglary of a home in Westport could be connected to 10 burglaries that occurred in Easton and Wilton in less than two weeks, said Capt. Sam Arciola of the Westport Police said Tuesday.

The home on Forest Drive was robbed sometime between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. as the homeowners slept. Police believe the robber, or robbers, entered through an unlocked door. The homeowners did not realize their home had been burgled until morning.

Knowing nearby towns recently experienced a string of burglaries, the Westport Police sent out press releases and email alerts as a warning to residents.

"Our concern is simply that surrounding communities are experiencing similar incidents," Arciola said. "Someone is moving around at night. Whether it's the same person, we're not sure yet. We just wanted to get that information out there."

In Easton, a total of seven homes were reported burglarized between July 30 and Aug. 1. These break-ins began with a home on Barrows Road, where police said the door was forced in. The following day, five homes on the following streets were broken into: Bayberry Lane, Stonesthrow Road, North Park Avenue, Tatetuck Trail and Grace View Drive.

The last incident occurred at a home on Cross Bow Lane, but an alarm sounded before any items could be taken. There have not been any reported break-ins in Easton since. Police said most, if not all, victims were out at the time of the break-ins.

In Wilton, a total of three homes on Pond Road, Sturges Ridge Road, and Henry Austen Drive, were burglarized between Aug. 7 and Aug. 8. The homes hit were in close vicinity to each other and showed signs of similar forced entry. Police said none of the homeowners were present at the time of the burglaries.

Though it's uncertain whether the crimes are related, Arciola said Westport burglary detectives are working closely with the detectives in both communities.

Currently, police do not have a suspect or description of a vehicle used in these crimes.

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