
Violently Injured Police Officers

Wife Of Norwalk Officer Injured At Shooting Range Gets Big Win For Wounded Cops Wife Of Norwalk Officer Injured At Shooting Range Gets Big Win For Wounded Cops
Wife Of Norwalk Officer Injured At Shooting Range Gets Big Win For Wounded Cops A bill will soon be law in Connecticut that ensures full pension benefits for public safety officers injured in the line of duty thanks to the hard work of the wife of a wounded Norwalk policeman. Debbie Roselle pushed lawmakers to introduce Phil's Bill No. 556 after Phil Roselle, a 30-year officer with the Norwalk Police Department was shot at a precinct shooting range in 2017. "He was very badly injured. The bullet is still inside him. His kidneys failed and he had to go on dialysis. He's been fighting for his life. He needs to get healthy so he can get on a kidney transplant list," Debbi…