Fairfield County 'Occupiers' Spark Facebook Debate

FAIRFIELD COUNTY, Conn. – The Occupy Wall Street movement spread to Fairfield County Saturday when protestors stood outside General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt’s New Canaan home. Now the debate has spread to Main Street Connect’s Facebook pages.

Readers in Norwalk, Westport and Fairfield chimed in on the growing debate. Many thought heading to New Canaan was a step too far. The Daily Norwalk reader David Simon wrote, “This is a bit over the top now. Going to ones house because they happen to be a CEO of a company really? Seems like we are loosing site as to what we are protesting for.”

Fairfielders Robert Davis and Mary Mangini Saunders shared similar sentiments. “I doubt anyone found a job while protesting in front of someone’s house,” Davis quipped. Saunders agreed:  “Keep it at the corporate level without invading personal lives and privacy.”

Still, the New Canaan protestors were not without their defenders. Norwalker Brian Burgess thought Immelt was the right person to go after. “As CEO he is directly responsible for what is currently wrong with this country, and the protesters are NOT "loosing site" of what the protests are all about; they are specifically targeting the right people.”

Many readers across the county sympathized with the group’s goals, but thought they needed a change in tactics. For example, Westport reader Elizabeth Kochor said, “The louder the voices, the more they will be tuned out and turned off. Create a new clear, strong and logical paradigm. Show a much better and just way. Be the change you seek!”

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