Sister-Brother Team Win More Awards

How do you build houses that win industry awards year after year? You pay attention to the details, each and every one of them. This year Country Club Homes, Inc. of Wilton, owned by the sister-brother team of Carolyn Wheeler and Walter Cromwell, Jr., won three awards from the Home Builders Association of Connecticut. They are: Best Spec Home over $6 million, Best Custom home 10,000 to 12,000 square feet and Best Residential Remodel $250,000 to $500,000.

Carolyn and Walter, grew up in New Canaan but now both live in Wilton. They spent their childhood watching dad, Walter Cromwell Sr., build houses. “He was a civil engineer in the army,” says Walter. In 1955 he bought a set of plans and built his first home. It sold quickly. He made some money and built another one. And never stopped. “He’s just turned 87 and he’s still building houses down in Florida,” says Carolyn, noting he has slowed down a bit recently.

Carolyn, the older of the two, spent several years on Wall Street before deciding to team up with her brother in the family business. “Dad was thinking of retiring. My brother Walter had just finished studying architecture in college, and it all just seemed to make sense,” she says, adding that they bring different talents to the table. “I tend to look at the big picture,” says Walter. “And I’m more of a micro manager,” chimes in Carolyn.

The 10,000 square foot house they have just completed in New Canaan won the Best Custom home award. It might be the last large house they build. “We’re adjusting to the market. Our next construction project will be around 5,000 square feet. We foresee homes getting smaller,” says Carolyn. According to Walter, the new bragging rights in home ownership will be green design elements, all of which Country Club Homes already incorporates into its beautiful homes.






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