How to Fix School Lunch: An Upcoming Seminar

I’ve had a sour taste in my mouth recently. Last month, I had my first helping of what I see as the bureaucracy served up in school lunchrooms across the area and all over the country, lunchrooms. And then, I told you all about it.

Fortunately, lots of qualified people are working hard to affect real and sustainable change in this area. The Fairfield Green Food Guide has partnered with Slow Food to bring two very important experts to Fairfield County to start this essential discussion. Monday, Oct. 24, parents can join Amy Kalafa, one of the original Two Angry Moms and author of Lunch Wars: How to Start a School Food Revolution and Win the Battle for Our Children’s Health, and John Turenne, who has worked with food revolutionary Jamie Oliver and who is also the founder and president of Sustainable Food Systems. Both are nationally recognized for their expertise in the area of improving lunch options for school age children.

The focus of the workshop will be on overcoming common obstacles to making school meals more healthful and sustainable, and parents are invited to choose from two sessions. The first will be held at Audubon Greenwich, from noon-1:00 pm. The second session will be in Fairfield at the Pequot Library, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and include refreshments. Both events will be followed by a question and answer session, along with a book sale and signing.

For more information or to RSVP, visit The Fairfield Green Food Guide’s website 

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