
Colledge Tire & Auto

PA Mechanic, NJ Cop Going Viral On TikTok For Smooth Ride At Gettysburg Competition PA Mechanic, NJ Cop Going Viral On TikTok For Smooth Ride At Gettysburg Competition
PA Mechanic, NJ Cop Going Viral On TikTok For Smooth Ride At Gettysburg Competition Don Lamborn and Brian Linden both thought they were good motorcycle riders — until they took a technical class. "I thought I had experience and knew how to ride," said Lamborn, who works at Colledge Tire & Auto in Kennett Square, PA. "Then I took a class and figured out I didn't really know how to ride all that well." "When I rode prior to going through advanced training, I thought I knew how to ride," Linden, a Paramus police lieutenant, said separately. "What I found out was that I knew next to nothing." Look at them now. Linden and Lamborn took home first place in the partner ride…