
Pedestrian and biking projects

Long Island Gets $6.8M For ‘Environmentally Friendly’ Pedestrian, Biking Projects Long Island Gets $6.8M For ‘Environmentally Friendly’ Pedestrian, Biking Projects
Long Island Gets $6.8M For ‘Environmentally Friendly’ Pedestrian, Biking Projects Long Island is set to receive nearly $7 million in federal funding to help pay for new pedestrian and biking projects around the region. New York was awarded a total of $178.8 million in federal dollars that will go to 75 communities across the state for projects that promote environmentally friendly modes of travel and make it easier and safer to bike and walk, according to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office. On Long Island: Two projects will benefit from the funding, with $5 million going to Nassau County to build sidewalks and traffic calming improvements to the Lido Boulevard corridor. Anoth…