
B.M.I.U. of America

ICYMI: 112-Year-Old Message In A Bottle Found At Montclair State University ICYMI: 112-Year-Old Message In A Bottle Found At Montclair State University
ICYMI: 112-Year-Old Message In A Bottle Found At Montclair State University A pair of craftsmen who helped build Montclair State University more than a century ago left behind a message for future generations -- but it was hidden in such a way that it might never have been found at all.  Fortunately for posterity, the message from those workers -- believed to be first-generation Irish-Americans  -- has been received, loud and clear.  An article published  in the university's campus magazine describes how Robert Kanaby, a demolition laborer working on a renovation of the university's College Hall building, was recently breaking down some brickwor…