
Barrett’s Esophagus

RefluxOlogy If you’re one of the estimated 17–27%* of adults who experience heartburn at least once a month, you know the signs: a harsh, burning feeling in your chest usually after eating a large meal, spicy food, or when you’re lying down. Frequent, persistent heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). GERD not only interferes with quality of life, it can lead to serious illness. If you have chronic GERD that is not relieved by lifestyle changes or medicines, surgery may be an option. But first, what causes GERD? When you eat, food travels from your mouth, down …
Everything You Need To Know About GERD Everything You Need To Know About GERD
Everything You Need To Know About Gerd Gastroesophageal reflux is the normal occurrence of gastric contents back-flowing into the esophagus. We all experience this phenomenon occasionally throughout the day. When this natural occurrence results in discomfort or other symptoms, we call it gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. The most common symptoms are heartburn – a burning sensation in the chest or throat, and regurgitation – the sensation of stomach or food contents rising up into the chest and the back of the throat. Although these two symptoms are far and away most common, they are not the only symptoms related to GER…