Warner Library Plays Host To Musical Legend

TARRYTOWN, N.Y. – A small crowd watched Friday night as Ichabod Crane met the feared Headless Horseman. The night had an eerie red glow and ominous music sounded when the Horseman appeared, signaling the danger at hand.

Warner Library was the scene of a retelling of the famous “Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” with a twist: it was a musical. A small crowd gathered upstairs to watch the Pipe Dream Theatre perform its original work near the actual setting of the story.

“I was so happy we got to perform in Sleepy Hollow,” Liz Muller said. Muller is a founder and executive producer of Pipe Dream Theatre. She co-wrote the musical with fellow founder Collin Simon and performed as Katrina Van Tassel. “We were a little behind schedule, we just couldn't get enough information out there, then the library agreed to it. and I was thrilled the library agreed to it because you've made it if you perform Sleepy Hollow in Sleepy Hollow.”

Pipe Dream Theatre is a New York City-based for-profit group that combines professional and semi-professional actors, Muller said. The small group of actors sang and acted throughout the performance about Crane's love of Katrina and his rival Brom Bones. The troupe held flashlights under their faces as they sang scary stories, especially when it came to the Headless Horseman.

The Horseman herself was performed by a silent actor who danced throughout her part. Maureen Petry, Warner Library's Director, said the show was “wonderful.”

“We hope they'll come back again,” she said.

Muller and Simon wrote the music for the show last year. They chose the Legend of Sleepy Hollow because they were looking for something autumnal. It took them about three weeks to finish. “It's such a great story and such a great tale that it just screamed for a musical,” Muller said.

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