Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow Residents Honor Veterans

TARRYTOWN, N.Y. – Veterans Day isn't about sales or another three-day weekend, Sleepy Hollow Mayor Ken Wray noted Friday at Patriot's Park.

“We as a nation do not reflect nearly enough about what war means or about the sacrifices that our veterans have made,” he said.

Local officials spoke out in support of veterans on Friday, reminding Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow residents to never forget the sacrifices that they have made and the freedoms they have defended.

"We gather here today to remember and to thank the veterans that are here who aren't here and to thank them for what they had to risk, what they gave up and in many cases many gave their lives,” Tarrytown Mayor Drew Fixell said. “It's something that's difficult to ever express the appreciation that you have but we need to do it.”

Veterans from several wars gathered to lead the joint Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow Veterans Day Ceremony and participate in the annual flag ceremony. During the ceremony, one veteran represented each war since the Civil War. Veterans would salute each other and then solemnly place a flag in front of the war memorials at the corner of the park.

Local officials said a few words of acknowledgment to veterans. Some used the opportunity to remind government officials that veterans need additional support when they return home.

“Veterans have earned the right to decent housing, employment and health care,” Wray said. “Our national policymakers need to keep veterans at the forefront of their attention. To all of you who have served our country so bravely, thank you.”

In a written statement, Congresswoman Nita Lowey expressed her gratitude and appreciation to veterans and the military families who selflessly serve and honor their country. Lowey encouraged residents to remember the sacrifices that have been made.

“Never forget the many brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure freedom for all people and once again fully support those who are overseas and make our nation proud,” she wrote.

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