The reality show, hosted by model Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, focuses on fashion design with contestants competing against each other to create the best clothes.
Designs are then judged, and one or more designers are eliminated each week.
In the episode airing Thursday, Sept. 14, contestants visit and draw inspiration from Lyndhurst for their fashion challenge.
Lyndhurst, for those who haven't visited, is one of America’s finest Gothic Revival mansions. It was designed in 1838 by Alexander Jackson Davis and features a park-like landscape as well as a comprehensive collection of original decorative arts.
Of particular note, a fashion exhibition, “Defying Labels; New Roles, New Clothes” which Project Runway Co-Host Tim Gunn and the cast visited while filming. The exhibit tracks the changes in women’s wardrobes as their roles in society changed from the 1880s through the 1940s. (The exhibit ends Monday, Sept. 25.)
"The cast and crew of Project Runway were a pleasure to work with," said Howard A. Zar, Lyndhurst's executive director.
"For both the contestants and the celebrity judges, it was really interesting for them to be able to experience an estate like Lyndhurst up close and without other visitors. They were really thrilled to be here as it's not something most of them were used to seeing."
Go here for a preview.
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