
Hiatal Hernia

RefluxOlogy If you’re one of the estimated 17–27%* of adults who experience heartburn at least once a month, you know the signs: a harsh, burning feeling in your chest usually after eating a large meal, spicy food, or when you’re lying down. Frequent, persistent heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). GERD not only interferes with quality of life, it can lead to serious illness. If you have chronic GERD that is not relieved by lifestyle changes or medicines, surgery may be an option. But first, what causes GERD? When you eat, food travels from your mouth, down …
Hiatal Hernias: How To Get Rid Of What You Didn’t See Coming Hiatal Hernias: How To Get Rid Of What You Didn’t See Coming
Hiatal Hernias: How To Get Rid Of What You Didn’t See Coming When surgery is necessary to treat a hiatal hernia, a robot-assisted procedure is a minimally invasive option. We asked Dr. Rohan, Phelps Hospital Northwell Health’s Westchester Regional Director of the Thoracic Surgery Program, to give us the 411 on hiatal hernias. Dr. Rohan specializes in minimally invasive chest surgery, which includes lung surgery, esophageal surgery, anti-reflux surgery and hernia surgery, among others. Here is what he had to say: Q: What is a hiatal hernia? Dr. Rohan: A hernia occurs when an organ squeezes through a weak area in muscle or tissue that surrounds the or…