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Video: Ellen Gives Midwestern Girl Free Trip To FDR Library In Hyde Park Video: Ellen Gives Midwestern Girl Free Trip To FDR Library In Hyde Park
Video: Ellen Gives Midwestern Girl Free Trip To FDR Library In Hyde Park A pre-teen “presidential expert” will take the trek to the Hudson Valley courtesy of Ellen Degeneres. Actress Melissa McCarthy appeared on an episode of the Ellen Show last week, but it was 10-year-old Macey Hensley, who has been a featured guest on the show before, who really stole the show. During the segment, Hensley showcased her near-encyclopedic knowledge of American politics, taking on McCarthy in a game dubbed “Hail to the Blank,” where the two answered facts about former presidents. Hensley won the game with a perfect score. Her reward? A trip to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Preside…