Gov.'s Budget Presented at Hendrick Hudson Library

MONTROSE, N.Y. – A scant but interested audience gathered at the Hendrick Hudson Free Library Thursday night to hear a presentation of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Budget proposal, and to speak with New York State Assembly member Sandy Galef (D – District 90).

“I learned more than I came in with,” said Ponie Sheehan, a member of the Sawmill River Audubon Board. “Other people’s questions helped me understand.” Sheehan came to the meeting to speak to Galef about hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking.”

Rose Harvey, commissioner of the New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, gave the presentation of the governor’s budget. She focused on major points of the budget proposal, including closing the $2 billion budget shortfall, education reform, mandate reform, infrastructure repair and private-public partnerships.

The executive budget proposes closing the $2 billion budget shortfall by stopping a scheduled 4.5 percent increase in agency spending, saving $1.3 billion, and decreasing scheduled increases to aid to localities, saving $756 million. Aid to localities will be increased by 2.6 percent instead of 3.9 percent.

Some of the most controversial proposals include instituting teacher evaluations in the next three weeks to keep from losing $700 million in federal “Race to the Top” aid, and amending the constitution to allow the state to regulate gambling.

Cuomo has sponsored a website that details more budget proposals.

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