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New Poll Reveals Cuomo Favorability, NYers Ready For New Governor New Poll Reveals Cuomo Favorability, NYers Ready For New Governor
New Poll Reveals Cuomo Favorability, NYers Ready For New Governor New Yorkers largely support the job New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has done, though many are ready for someone else to take over for him in Albany when he is up for re-election next year, according to a new Zogby poll. The poll found that 55 percent was positive, while 45 percent said it was negative. Less than a quarter of surveyed likely voters rated his job performance as "excellent" and a third said his job performance was "good." Upstate, 46 percent rated Cuomo’s job performance as positive, while the numbers skewed in his favor downstate, with 55 percent approving his performance. Cuomo w…