Armonk Views on State of the Union Address

ARMONK, N.Y- When asked what he thinks President Obama will discuss in his State of the Union address Tuesday night, Mark Weston, an Armonk writer who has published a book about Saudi Arabia, envisioned a political commercial.

"It shows frat boys trashing a dorm room and a young black man comes to clean it up," he said. "It's a hard job and the frat boys come back and say, "Why isn't it clean yet," he said. "Everyone understands what the commercial is about, but Obama's speech won't change the way Americans think. The problems he's inherited will take more than one term."

That skepticism was shared by others. "After the Republican debates, if Obama wants to be reelected he needs to step up his game," said Isobelle Ashton of Somers. "He's been disappointing but he's struggled with what he came in with. Whatever he brings up in the speech you might not believe it because you don't know what will follow through."

Herman Geist, an Armonk resident who fought in World War II, said, "I hope he speaks about peace, I don't want any more American boys or women getting killed. I also hope he speaks about my three favorite Americans, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. People came here to be free."

Geist's neighbor, Leo Vircillo, said if Obama talks about military issues he should understand that "we accomplished what we set out to accomplish in the Middle East. We must limit our losses and not get involved in other countries."

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