
Little Free Library

Vandals Damage Mahwah Girl Scout's Little Free Library, DPW Comes To Rescue Vandals Damage Mahwah Girl Scout's Little Free Library, DPW Comes To Rescue
Vandals Damage Mahwah Girl Scout's Little Free Library, DPW Comes To Rescue Mahwah residents beamed proudly as a township Girl Scout unveiled the Little Free Library she'd designed in a local park late last month. They were equally distressed when someone vandalized it this past weekend. Township DPW workers came to the rescue, though, repairing Ishika Ranka's creation for Mahwah Troop 95829 at Continental Soldiers Field. The doorknob of the birdhouse-sized depository had been ripped off, along with part of the shingled roof, Mayor Jim Wysocki said. Public works employees were "quick to lend a hand and repair the damage," however, the mayor said. "They're the be…