
Animal Incident

Police Shoot Dog Set Loose By Reckless Tractor-Trailer Driver In Ringwood, Responders Say Police Shoot Dog Set Loose By Reckless Tractor-Trailer Driver In Ringwood, Responders Say
Police Shoot Dog Set Loose By Reckless Tractor-Trailer Driver In Ringwood, Responders Say Police shot a dog who responders said had been set loose by a tractor-trailer driver during a traffic stop early Monday afternoon in Ringwood. ****** UPDATE: A Florida tractor-trailer driver who was arrested after authorities said he set his pit bull loose on police during a traffic stop in Ringwood died after suffering an apparent seizure. https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/northpassaic/police-fire/authorities-trucker-charged-with-setting-pit-bull-on-police-in-ringwood-dies-of-seizure/783295/ ****** The rig, which had South Carolina license plates and was toting luxury boats, had been "w…