Former biz partner charged with destroying emails, sending damaging messages

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: Roderick Oh might never have suspected that computer crime investigators could trace the clicks that deleted emails and sent damaging messages from his former business partner’s account, authorities said. But they could — and they did.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

The trail led straight to him, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli said.

Investigators from Molinelli’s Computer Crimes Task Force arrested Oh, of Harrington Park, this morning and charged him with illegally accessing and altering the account.

“The partnership had been dissolved and Oh no longer had any right to the account,” the prosecutor said. But he “used prior knowledge of the account access it, and delete data from it…in an attempt to harm the business of his former partner.”

What’s more, Oh, who recently turned 39, “sent e-mail from the compromised account, under the identity of the victim, in an attempt to discredit him with business associates,” Molinelli said.

Oh remains free on bail pending grand jury action.

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