
Long-range forecast

Springtime Heatwave Paves Way For Even Hotter Summer In Northeast, Old Farmer's Almanac Says Springtime Heatwave Paves Way For Even Hotter Summer In Northeast, Old Farmer's Almanac Says
Springtime Heatwave Paves Way For Even Hotter Summer In Northeast, Old Farmer's Almanac Says It's not quite beach season yet but it sure will feel like it this week as a springtime heatwave kicks off in the Northeast. And according to the Old Farmer's Almanac, it might be an indication of the summer that's in store. Temps are expected to soar well into the 70s and 80s, with each day being warmer than the last beginning Tuesday, April 11, and continuing through the end of the week, meteorologists at AccuWeather.com say. We're in the midst of a stretch of beautiful weather for mid-April. Check out those high temps for the rest of the week.... Posted by US National Weather Servi…