
Elderly Man

Hovercraft Used To Rescue Man Stranded On Ice Island In Hilltowns Hovercraft Used To Rescue Man Stranded On Ice Island In Hilltowns
Hovercraft Used To Rescue Man Stranded On Ice Island In Hilltowns Firefighters used a hovercraft to rescue an elderly man who had become trapped on an ice island in the middle of a lake Monday, Dec. 28. The man, who was not identified, was out hunting in the Knightville Dam area in Huntington when he became lost and found himself on a patch of ice 300 feet from shore, according to MassLive. Using a cell phone, the man was able to call 911 and dispatchers were able to ping his location in the Knigtville Basin. Huntington, a community in the Hilltowns, was covered in ice and snow making it difficult for responders to reach the stranded man by foot. Hunt…