

Introduction To Acupuncture, Mini Sessions Set In New Canaan Introduction To Acupuncture, Mini Sessions Set In New Canaan
Introduction To Acupuncture, Mini Sessions Set In New Canaan Acupuncturist Casey Potetz, MS LAc. will present Introduction to Acupuncture in New Canaan. The event at Halo Fitness on Thursday, Sept. 12 is a chance to hear about the mechanisms of acupuncture, and receive a mini-session to experience its calming and restorative benefits. Potetz hails from Hartford County and moved back to New Canaan from Hawaii last year where she received her master of science in Oriental medicine. She practices acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine along with a variety of clinical healing techniques including cupping, nutritional counseling, and electro-stimulation…
Too Young For A Knee Replacement? Do You Know Your Options? Too Young For A Knee Replacement? Do You Know Your Options?
Too Young For A Knee Replacement? Do You Know Your Options? Have you ever heard the following words from your doctor: “You have arthritis...but you need to wait until you’re old enough for a knee replacement.”? Waiting is not easy when you are in pain, even more so when this wait is measured in decades for some young patients until they can undergo a surgical procedure that is essentially deemed a last resort. We are all humans and our bodies wear out – eventually, everyone is headed towards arthritis. However, for some people, the wear-and-tear starts earlier in life and the decline is more rapid. If you tear your ACL or meniscus in high school or c…