Westonites Warned to Watch Gift Deliveries

WESTON, Conn. – The Christmas Grinch has come to Weston, and he's eying the holiday packages on your front step.

The Weston Police are warning residents to take notice of suspicious persons in their  neighborhoods. “This time of year the Grinch goes around and steals everyone’s Christmas gifts,” said Weston Police Det. Carl Filsinger.

The thefts will most likely continue through the holidays as presents get shipped out for delivery to doorsteps. Filsinger said thieves have been known to rummage through mail boxes and follow delivery trucks during their local routes. Some theives are so brazen they will even run up to your porch just minutes after a truck has left your home, he said.

Filsinger said it is important for residents to notice not only the packages being sent to your home, but also those going to your neighbors. If you see anyone or anything suspicious, or if you believe a present was taken from your porch, call the police, he said.

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