Treat Treats as Treats

A vacation wouldn’t be a vacation if it weren’t a rare treat. The same goes for special occasion foods: They're special only if you don't eat them every day. And that is a good thing because they tend to be caloric and/or not terribly healthful.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average adult gains two pounds every year. This is no surprise, considering the preponderance of prepared and over-processed treats in our everyday lives.

You can have your cake (and eat it too, by the way), but not every day. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, it takes 28 days to detox from most addictive substances, and sugar – hidden in fast food, low-fat options and condiments – is certainly an addictive substance. On this plan, you’ll detox, eliminate hidden sugars and learn how to incorporate alternative sweeteners. 

Here's another tip. Try to avoid the yearly creeping weight gain by limiting the amount special occasion foods you eat and the frequency with which you eat them. Try this S-policy (courtesy of Michael Pollan's "Food Rules"). "No snacks, no seconds, no sweets -- except on days that begin with the letter S."

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