Messy Homes Can Make You Blue

Did you know that there's a link between a messy home and depression? The art of Feng shui teaches that clutter in a home can cause depression and fatigue. But there's good news - eliminating the clutter helps people feel less overwhelmed and happier.

The hardest part of clearing up a big mess is getting started. Here are some simple tips to get you going:

• Don't think you have to clear up the whole house at once. Take it slowly, one closet or room at a time. Separate everything into piles - keep, toss and thrift shop. Put the "keep" items back in the closets - tidily.

• Be organized. Put the thrift shop items into a box and move it with you from room to room. When it's full, start another. Drop the boxes off at the local charity shop next time you go out. Take the junk from one room to the trash before you move onto another room.

• Order a dumpster. You'll be amazed at how much stuff you'll want to toss. Throw out anything broken and unfixable, old toys as well as soiled clothing, old linens and carpets. If there's no room for a dumpster, ask your garbage collector if he'll pick up extra trash. Or get a permit from the town and drive the junk to the town dump.

• Keep a running list of anything that needs to be fixed or painted in each room.

• Take advantage of the school holidays and enlist the kids to help. Show them how to sort their belongings into the three piles. Sadly, unwanted stuffed animals are no longer welcome at thrift shops or children's hospitals. Pick out the favorites and toss the rest.




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