

Penn Museum To Rebury 'Unethical' Skull Collection Once Used To Justify White Supremacist Views Penn Museum To Rebury 'Unethical' Skull Collection Once Used To Justify White Supremacist Views
Penn Museum To Rebury 'Unethical' Skull Collection Once Used To Justify White Supremacist Views A Philadelphia museum has vowed to rebury the dozens of skulls that comprise a collection once used to justify white supremacist views. The Penn Museum issued an apology for the Samuel G. Morton Collection, calling it an "unethical possession of human remains." The 1,300 pieces of human crania were collected by 19th century doctor and white supremacist Samuel George Morton, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Museum officials told the Inquirer that the remains in the Morton Collection will be returned to local communities or congregations for burial in a historically black cemetery. "…