
Gerardo Spero

Travelers Bring Loaded Guns To PHL Two Days In A Row: TSA Travelers Bring Loaded Guns To PHL Two Days In A Row: TSA
Travelers Bring Loaded Guns To PHL Two Days In A Row: TSA Transportation Security Administration agents stopped area residents from boarding planes…
Traveler Caught With Loaded Gun At Philadelphia International Airport: TSA Traveler Caught With Loaded Gun At Philadelphia International Airport: TSA
Traveler Caught With Loaded Gun At Philadelphia International Airport: TSA An Arizona man was arrested by police after Transportation Security…
Traveler Tries To Bring Gun On Plane At Philadelphia International Airport: TSA Traveler Tries To Bring Gun On Plane At Philadelphia International Airport: TSA
Traveler Tries To Bring Gun On Plane At Philadelphia International Airport: TSA An out-of-state traveler was arrested by police after Transportation Security…

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