
Physical Fitness

Poverty Porn? Popular Fitness Influencer Examines Camden's Food, Fitness Desert Poverty Porn? Popular Fitness Influencer Examines Camden's Food, Fitness Desert
Poverty Porn? Popular Fitness Influencer Examines Camden's Food, Fitness Desert It's the unhealthiest place in America, according to one popular fitness YouTuber. Will Tennyson headed over to the City of Camden to explore its food and fitness scene. Or, lack thereof, he say she found. "Not only is it a food desert, it's also a fitness desert," said Tennyson in the 23-minute video that garnered just under 1 million views in three days. Dubbed a "fitness funny guy" by Forbes, Tennyson is a popular fitness influencer who explores various food and fitness trends, documenting his findings on social media. His video on Camden was geared toward examining the life of reside…