
King of Prussia Mall, Upper Merion Township, PA

Undercover Op. Seizes 400K Doses Of Fentanyl, Heroin, Xylazine Worth $3.6 Million In PA: DEA Undercover Op. Seizes 400K Doses Of Fentanyl, Heroin, Xylazine Worth $3.6 Million In PA: DEA
Richard Nunez, Javier Cornelio Fabian Caught In Drug Sting Two Philadelphia men and approximately 400,000 doses of drugs were taken off the streets in an undercover operation by the Liberty Mid-Atlantic High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, Drug Enforcement Administration–Philadelphia Field Division, Pennsylvania State Police–Drug Law Team, Upper Merion Township Department of Public Safety, and the Montgomery County District Attorney's office according to a joint release on Friday, Jan. 25.  Richard Nunez, 45, and Javier Cornelio Fabian, 43, were arrested on Thursday on "multiple felony charges related to oper…