
Maricruz Alvarado-Blanco

Lititz Mom Calls 911 For Fire, Ends Up Arrested For Endangering Child: PD Lititz Mom Calls 911 For Fire, Ends Up Arrested For Endangering Child: PD
Maricruz Alvarado-Blanco Charged With Child Endangerment A 26-year-old mom called 911 for a smoking baseboard heat she believed could cause a fire, and ended up getting arrested and charged with child endangerment, Lititz Borough of Police Department officials announced on Monday, July 1.  Maricruz Alvarado-Blanco, the 20 block of Main Street in Lititz, called 911 "regarding a baseboard heater smoking and creating a fire hazard" at 10:46 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, according to the police release.  Police officers were called to investigate, and the following happened, as stated in the release: "While inside the apartment, officers dis…