
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Elizabethtown Man Dies In Mount Joy After Single-Vehicle Crash: Coroner Elizabethtown Man Dies In Mount Joy After Single-Vehicle Crash: Coroner
Ronald Book, 77, Dies in Mount Joy Single-Vehicle Crash A 77-year-old Elizabethtown man died following a single-vehicle crash in Mount Joy Township, the Lancaster County Coroner's Office announced on Tuesday, Dec. 10. Ronald Book was found deceased in the driver’s seat of a vehicle at 12:58 p.m. along Bellaire Road, according to the coroner's office. The car was discovered on a rocky area off the side of the road with minimal damage. A coroner investigator pronounced Book dead at the scene, the office said. A physical examination revealed no signs of trauma, and an autopsy performed the following day determined the cause of death to be  Ath…