
Religious gatherings

COVID-19: Cuomo To Meet With NY Orthodox Jewish Community Following Flare-Up In Cases COVID-19: Cuomo To Meet With NY Orthodox Jewish Community Following Flare-Up In Cases
Covid-19: Cuomo To Meet With NY Orthodox Jewish Community Following Flare-Up In Cases Mass religious gatherings may be responsible for a recent rise in newly reported positive COVID-19 cases in certain parts of New York State. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that while the state has remained at or around a 1 percent infection rate for months, the 20 zip codes where there have been the newest outbreaks are closer to 5 percent. Related story - COVID-19: Hudson Valley Hits 2 Percent Infection Rate Mark As Cases In Clusters Spike Specifically, Cuomo mentioned Rockland, Orange, Nassau, Queens, Brooklyn, and New York counties as areas they’re going to keep an eye on in the coming…