
Recreational Boating Safety

Stamford Man Rescued By Greenwich Marine Police After Falling Out Of Boat On Long Island Sound Stamford Man Rescued By Greenwich Marine Police After Falling Out Of Boat On Long Island Sound
Stamford Man Rescued By Greenwich Marine Police After Falling Out Of Boat On Long Island Sound A Stamford man who fell out of his boat was rescued by Greenwich Marine Police from Long Island Sound. The rescue took place on Saturday, Aug. 10, when Greenwich Marine Police received a call from boaters that there was a person in the water in distress in the area of Calf Island, said Greenwich Police Lt. John Slusarz.  Upon arrival, officers discovered a man in the water being kept afloat by a passing boater who was in the water with him keeping his head above water, Slusarz said. Officers were able to remove the man from the water and transported him to shore where he was taken to …
Be Prepared If Emergency Arises, Officials Warn As Boaters Flock To Waters Be Prepared If Emergency Arises, Officials Warn As Boaters Flock To Waters
Be Prepared If Emergency Arises, Officials Warn As Boaters Flock To Waters Boaters need to be prepared if an emergency arises when out on the water this July 4th holiday and throughout the summer, officials are warning. Marine patrol units in the region are increasing their marine presence over the four-day weekend to make sure vessels are safe and boaters obey Boating While Intoxicating laws. Before heading out on the water, check to make sure your boat has required safety equipment on board, including a personal flotation device for each person on board.  Kids under 12  must wear life jackets at all times in New York on boats less than 65 feet and all…