

This Putnam School District Among Best In State For SAT Scores This Putnam School District Among Best In State For SAT Scores
This Putnam School District Among Best In State For SAT Scores Haldane Central School District ranked eighth among 600 districts statewide for its total average score on the SAT tests, according to this article in newyorkupstate.com A total of 60 Haldane High School students in Cold Spring took the test, with an average score of 1207. Haldane's average score on the Evidence-based Reading and Writing portion of the SATs was 614. Their students averaged 593 on the math SATs. More than 135,141 New York state students took the new SAT in 2017. The average total score statewide was 1052. The average Evidence-based Reading and Writing (ERW) score was 528 an…