A few months of social distancing, careful hand-washing and mask-wearing have made—and continue to make—a difference. If you think you’re having a heart attack, then you can head to Northern Westchester Hospital without fear of COVID-19.
COVID-19 numbers are down in the area, and Northern Westchester Hospital has seen firsthand a dramatic drop in numbers. During the spring at a high point of the pandemic, up to 100 positive cases were identified in a day at the hospital. These days? No more than five.
Unfortunately a resurgence still remains possible, but Northern Westchester has been successfully following a clear separation between suspected COVID and non-COVID patients and instituted strict safety protocols to avoid risk to patients and staff. They’re ready.
And when it comes to heart attacks, the hospital will be more than ready with a brand new, state-of-the art Cardiac Catheterization Lab opening September 2, 2020. Open 24/7, 365 days to handle all cardiac emergencies, the new lab is an extension of Lenox Hill Hospital’s nationally renowned cardiac services program, ranked by Healthgrades among the top five percent of hospitals in the nation for overall cardiac services for six years straight. This connection means patients will receive care from some of the nation’s top cardiac physicians, all extensively trained in high-risk cases.
“I’m happy to announce the Seema Boesky Heart Center at Northern Westchester Hospital,” said Dr. Carl D. Reimers, its director. “We will take care of every cardiac emergency that comes to this hospital.”
For heart attacks, time is of the essence, Dr. Reimers said. Prior to this new lab, according to Dr. Reimers, roughly 65 percent of patients having a heart attack would have been taken out of state to Connecticut hospitals and many elective cases would have been referred to Manhattan hospitals. That will no longer be necessary.
“The quicker our community can access high-quality services from our well-trained professionals and staff only brings more confidence that this is going to be an incredible program.”
For the latest on COVID-19, the new Cardiac Catheterization Lab and other health-related news, visit Northern Westchester Hospital's website.