Tell me again: Which program makes Jersey Italians look bad?

EDITORIAL: Do reality-show contracts have moral terpitude clauses, or do producers like when walking cartoons like “Juicy” Joe Giudice, the husband of silicone gal Teresa Giudice of “The Real Housewives of New Jersey,” crashes his car into a telephone poll and gets pinched for DUI?

Maybe the hope is for them to screw up as much as possible. Makes for “better” TV, no?

So tell me: What’s gonna happen when one of ’em actually kills someone? Like, themselves? In Giudice’s case, that was a possible reality, it seems.

One’s a wreck; the other was in one

Montville police said Giudice, 39, was loaded when they found his car 2006 Ford smashed into the pole on Jacksonville Avenue — near his home — shortly before 2 yesterday morning.

After loading Lo Buffo Mobile into an ambulance and taking him to Morristown Memorial Hospital, they turned him over to their counterparts in Clifton, in nearby Passaic County, where he was wanted on some warrants for failing to observe a court order.

He paid up and bailed himself out.

Now he awaits the outcome of the Montville case, where the charges include with reckless driving, careless driving and failure to maintain the lane — which, for any of you who’ve tried it, is damned near impossible to do when you’ve got half a bag on.

In the real world, we await word from Bravo on the incident — although I could have sworn I heard applause coming from its direction yesterday.

Jerry DeMarco (Publisher/Editor) CLIFFVIEWPILOT.COM

All they need is to be able to bring a camera into the courtroom.

“I was not intoxicted, per se, y’honah. But my lawyer told me to leave the bottle and take the guilty plea.”

“But you crashed your hoopdee into a tree, Mr. Gwidechay.”

“It jumped in front of me.”

“Guilty! Next….”

So Joe the Dumber gets his license suspended for six months, and his other quarter has to drive the clan — without breaking a French-manicured nail — to visit their new friends in Seaside Heights, in a special two-hour “crossover” special.

Tune in, folks, and watch the rollatini fly!


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