17 years in federal pen for second brother in brazen North Jersey holdup spree

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: His brother got 17 years for a string of holdups in which employees of North Jersey fast-food joints and grocery stores from Hoboken to Little Falls were terrified — and so did Anthony Lindsay today. And like his brother, Adonijah, Anthony Lindsay will do the full stretch, because the 205-month term handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Susan D. Wigenton in Newark is a federal sentence.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot

Both Lindsays cut deals with federal prosecutors to help reduce their sentences, pleading guilty to holdup up an Elmwood Park Dunkin’ Donuts.

Anthony, 27, of Paterson, and his brother were part of a crew that hit, among other spots, a Jersey City grocery store, a North Bergen deli, a Domino’s Pizza in Hoboken, a Lodi Popeye’s and a Little Falls Burger King, the FBI said.

During the Domino’s and BK holdups, employees and customers were forced into rest rooms at gunpoint, federal authorities said.

U.S. Paul Attorney Fishman credited special agents of the FBI and the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office with cracking his case. Assistance also came from the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office and police departments in Paterson, Little Falls, Jersey City, Dover, Hoboken, Elmwood Park, and Lodi, he said.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Rodney Villazor of the U.S. Attorney’s Office Criminal Division in Newark secured the guilty pleas.

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