

Morris County Police Lt. Shares Chilling Story Of Domestic Abuse; Partners With New App Morris County Police Lt. Shares Chilling Story Of Domestic Abuse; Partners With New App
Morris County Police Lt. Shares Chilling Story Of Domestic Abuse; Partners With New App An app that addresses issues raised by the #MeToo movement has is bringing a Morris County police lieutenant as its new law enforcement advisor. Morris Township Lt. Heather Glogolich, who told her story of surviving domestic abuse on a 2015 blog, is the newest face of the VictimsVoice app. "It’s appalling to see the way that everything works and how unsafe it is to be a victim, especially when they try to come forward,” she said. "But after my own personal experience with domestic violence, I knew that I had a purpose to pay it forward to the community and to make it better." A 15-year vet…