
International Business

Home Is Where The Heart Is For Luxury Paramus Builder Home Is Where The Heart Is For Luxury Paramus Builder
Home Is Where The Heart Is For Luxury Paramus Builder Paramus has always felt like home to Ramona Gelin Malki. It's where her family laid their roots after immigrating to the United States from Turkey. It's where she attended grade school, where she spent summers while studying finance and international business at New York University. Malki only left Paramus in 2004 when she married her husband, and the two moved into a home in Ramsey. Well, actually, that's not entirely true. Malki says there's a part of her that never really left the borough: "Paramus is where my heart is," she said. And now, so are all nine of the homes she's built …
Quintuplets' Graduation From MSU Marks Bittersweet First For Close-Knit Siblings Quintuplets' Graduation From MSU Marks Bittersweet First For Close-Knit Siblings
Povolo Quintuplets Graduate Montclair State University Yes, you were seeing quintuple at the Montclair State University graduation on Monday morning, May 13. The Povolo quintuplets — Victoria, Ludovico, Ashley, Michael and Marcus — graduated from Montclair State University, the first time quintuplets have graduated from a New Jersey university.  The Povolo siblings earned degrees in five different majors.  Victoria: Biochemistry; minor Italian Ludovico:, Political Science, minor Pre-Law, Business Ashley:, English, Teacher Education Program, certification in P-12 Michael:, Nutrition and Food Science, concentration Dietetics Marcus:, …