
Edmondo DiPaolo

South Jersey Home Aide Charged With Sexually Assaulting Severely Impaired Teenager South Jersey Home Aide Charged With Sexually Assaulting Severely Impaired Teenager
South Jersey Home Aide Charged With Sexually Assaulting Severely Impaired Teenager A 33-year-old Burlington County home caregiver sexually abused a developmentally impaired teenager and broke her leg, authorities charged. Edmondo DiPaolo of Pemberton is charged with aggravated sexual assault, among other counts, involving the 16-year-old patient. The wheelchair-bound Southampton girl has a degenerative brain disorder that leaves her unable to move or speak and requires feeding and medication through tubes, Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina and New Jersey State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan said in a joint statement. DiPaolo worked for Preferred Home Healt…