
art therapy

Passaic Preschool Celebrates 130 Years Passaic Preschool Celebrates 130 Years
Passaic Preschool Celebrates 130 Years In 1893, Grover Cleveland was president. The Montreal Hockey Club won the first Stanley Cup. And Children's Day Preschool and Family Center first opened its doors. The Passaic preschool recently celebrated its 130th anniversary in its historic building at 104 Jefferson St. Children's Day first opened on March 29, 1893 and moved into its current building in 1905. Children's Day was first started by the children of immigrant millworkers from Central, Eastern and Western Europe. Today it mainly serves Latin immigrants.  "It's really incredible," Laurel Snyder, the board chair of Children…
Nature Or Nurture? A Q&A On Epigenetics And Mental Health With Dr. Jennifer Dragonette Nature Or Nurture? A Q&A On Epigenetics And Mental Health With Dr. Jennifer Dragonette
Nature Or Nurture? A Q&A On Epigenetics And Mental Health With Dr. Jennifer Dragonette Epigenetics is a new and groundbreaking concept in the field of psychology and mental health. Research is revealing that our genes can actually turn on or turn off in response to what happens in our life and how our environment affects us. This understanding has finally put to bed the age-old debate regarding nature vs. nurture—in other words, whether who we are is determined by our genetic makeup or by our life experiences. Epigenetics makes it clear that they work in tandem to impact both physical and mental health. Newport Academy Executive Director Dr. Jennifer B. Dragonette, PsyD, who…
The Facts About Teen Suicide And How to Prevent It The Facts About Teen Suicide And How to Prevent It
The Facts About Teen Suicide And How to Prevent It September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and Tuesday, September 10, is World Suicide Prevention Day. And this year, it comes on the heels of new research showing that more adolescents and young adults are dying by suicide than ever before. Released in June, the new analysis of teen suicide statistics shows that the youth suicide rate in the United States is currently the highest in recorded history — 14.46 per 100,000 for young people between the ages of 15 and 24. Moreover, suicide is the second most common cause of death in the United States among youth ages 10–19, and the number…